Monday, April 7, 2014

Seville to Guillena

My first full day,  and I had some very pleasant experience.

Here are my goals for today.

  • Guillena at 23kms
  • Start at sunrise at 8:00 am.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep. I almost made that one. 
I spent the night at the Convento de Santa Rosalia. Unlike hostels,  I had a private room and sheets on the bed. I slept  pretty good after 24 hours of travel and being nerve-wracked.

Yesterday I did not meet any peregrinos in Seville.

I wrote a haiku for my first night.

White walls line cold tiles.
Convent Santa Rosalia

Vive Sevilla.
Ciudad de Sevilla
It lives for itself.

But last night I did have my first Tinto Verano in years, and it was fantastic.  Cold and icy.
Even if it was in a bottle,  instead of shaken,  not stirred.

On a physical note,  I have the feeling that the polyneuropothy has eased again.  I have more feeling in my feet ... Because of all the hiking.  I don't know.

And finally for the previous night ... I am reading The Three Musketeers on my tablet.  There is 512 pages so I don't think I will finish the book before I finish the El Camino.

So here is a bit about the hike.
I got lost in Triana. I end up getting out of the city by hiking on the expressway. On making it to Camas, I was ecstatic to be someplace that I was supposed to be. I should have eaten before I started out.  I was starving by the time I made it to Guillena, but it worked out.  Found a peregrino restaurant with an excellent meal: fish,  tortilla and salad plus a glass of the local white wine.

Photos Day 1